

If we've met before (from the view from suburbia, for example)... hello again! :)
If this is the first time that we've met... hello and welcome to the chip aisle! :)

Feel free to read and visit as you so wish... and thank you


M. @ The Chip Aisle


"The chip aisle" is a reference to 8:00 in the following YouTube video from FungBrosComedy (5/7/15): 18 Types of Asian Girls. (Note that this is not, in any way, an endorsement. Merely the observation of an epithet.)


The opinions presented herewith are (i) solely my own, (ii) solely for entertainment purposes, and (iii) not written with any express intention to influence the actions of others. Moreover, while the content presented herewith, derive from numerous experiences, personal and otherwise, any facsimile to any specific person(s) and/or context(s) is coincidental.


should you wish to share any content presented herewith you are welcome to do so for ideas are free and belong to everyone.

Thank you.

~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~

Read also: The View from Suburbia

Needless to say, it goes without saying that the Illuminare caveat here (MG V (TVFS)) is as apropos of TCA as of TVFS.

~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~

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Last edit: January 2022