
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Turn of the Blind Eye


(i) A proxy for a God

Is justice just if it is a proxy for a God?

Alas, who on Earth knows the will of a God? To further still, speak for a God? To say with irrefutable conviction: this is the will of a God and that is not?

Notwithstanding as mortals of a mortal world: why submit to order beyond a mortal rule of law ever? Because a God says so? Whose God? Yours? Or mine? Or theirs?

(ii) A proxy for a power

Is justice just because you say your justice is just?

Because proclamation is proof? 

If your justice is just by your say so, is your proclamation not a proxy for a power? After all, your disparagements and discredits and dismissals are your say so of justice not yours. Therefore what say you:

is my justice? Or theirs?

(iii) A proxy for a human

Or is justice just because you are just? For you are above what? Mere mortals? Unto whom you render judgment? For mere mortals are "partial" while you are "blind"?

Pray tell me:

what are arrogance and conceit above?


No proof other than the history of civilization is necessary to acknowledge:

justice is unjust

in the hands of those who hark themselves instruments of God; in the hands of those who rattle the might of arms; and in the hands of those who see themselves above lesser flesh and bone.

Such that ceremonies of fairness that anoint such unjustness are as ignoble as lies. For oaths sworn to uphold precedential human endeavor are not guarantees of justness.


In other words:

justice in hands that pretend to be superhuman is a fiction, an anachronism in an age of reality wherein neither belief nor prerogative nor consent, neither of a God nor for a power nor by a human, decides what is just.

Therefore the eye of a proxy that adopts pretend blindness to behold justice like a glorious marble superhero is not the eye that sees what is just; that eye is the eye of all.


The greatest "check and balance" of every branch of government is not an other branch of government; it is the eye of all; it is the wherewithal of all of us to see something, to say something, to do something. Which is not to say that "checks and balances" are "in the eye of the beholder"; it is instead to say:

if the only eyes that are "checking and balancing" are the eye of proxies, we the all are fools to throw away our shot to be the people by whom our government is by, for whom our government is for, and of whom our government is of.

For what? For what entertains us? Then this reveal is for us:

a government so ordinary and boring - without the eye of all - is an illusion of original democracy - a canary that pretends to be a pledge canary - a trick - played on the deceived by deceivers.

Needless to say, such a confidence game that rouses our applause makes a fool of we the all and our nerveless surrender to deceivers. After all:

prestige canaries are no more miraculous than a lie.

- M. 



Who are our arbiters and who decides?

You? Me? Them?

What are we judging and what is fair?

What you see? What I say? What they do?


As of yore, we appoint ourselves as arbiters of what is seen, of what is said, and of what is done. Further still, we roar aggrieved when we are challenged by a reality not as our eyes behold it. As if how valid our grievances and how legitimate our positions are measured in decibels and amplitudes.

Especially with respect to platforms that host us; that is, social media. Such that our mission to see something, to say something, to do something is our campaign to make social media ours qua arbiters anointed with immunity; that is, ours to whip into froths for our pet causes and ours to punish relentlessly for our pet complaints.

This performed on a world wide stage is the answer to who are our arbiters and who decides and what are we judging and what is fair.


Meanwhile, platforms that host us, also host champions of what is just. Individuals and groups and organizations and institutions whose seen, whose said, and whose done are truths that are attacked everywhere it is unlawful to publicize truths; where the imprisonment, torture, assassination, and execution of champions is.

Such that our crusade against social media is our war against the greatest "check and balance" of every branch of government everywhere: the eye of all.

For what? For the turn of the blind eye?

When the blind eye is the eye that sees what is just, I do not doubt that pigs will fly at the same decibel and amplitude as pigs will walk on two legs.




"the pledge", "the turn", and "the prestige" from The Prestige (Christopher Priest) and "The Prestige" (Christopher Nolan, Jonathan Nolan), etc.


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Greatness Worth Striving For

Supremacy pretending to be equality is not justice. Which is to say, white supremacy pretending to be for "all lives matter" is not equality.

It is, instead, "identity politics" perversed.

A if-they-can-do-it-I-can-do-it-too politics. To right wrongs with wrongs. To might-makes-right because might-says-so. To anything-you-can-do-I-can-do-one-better.


Needless to say, supremacy on any premise that pretends otherwise, is a fraud. But monolithizing supremacy has its limits.

While every supremacy is equally unjust, the consequences of supremacy beg for not one size fits all solutions.

Because a supremacist whose most egregious act of supremacy is to, say, not employ a woman, should not be monolithized with a supremacist whose least egregious act of supremacy is to, say, execute a policy of rejecting applicants for asylum who believe not in Jesus Christ.

Notwithstanding, supremacy is both obvious and not. While the supremacist who refuses to hire a woman for a "man's work" and a "man's pay" is often obvious, the supremacist who executes a policy that preferentially privileges believers in Christianity is often not.

Hence, supremacy that fakes otherwise, is rife when fakery gets the job done.


Which isn't to say that supremacy isn't also loud and proud. But the in-your-face supremacist cock walking Don't Tread On Me license plates and flipping birds at College Mom bumper stickers isn't the groomed and heeled supremacist whose mission to salvage descendants of the Atlantic slave trade are poster children for white saviors blessed with colorblindness.

When pretending to be just is a seraphic halo more convincing than a bona fide, supremacy hides in plain sight.

While rude gesturers squeeze their public infamy to monetize their relevance as venal campaign trail props, inclined adopters of black and brown children comfortably perverse "identity politics".

Because supremacy pretending to be blind is supremacy engineered to survive to full throatedly oppose equality and justice.


Fueling hatred feigning peaceful advocacy and engineering cover for closet supremacy is neither justice nor equality.

Therefore, I am for neither.

Rather, I am for:

the courage to say:

we are the problem


without us

there is no solution;

and the courage not to fail to act.


Justice and equality isn't taking supremacy pretending to be for freedom at face value; justice and equality isn't taking unilateral judgment pretending to safeguard democracy at face value

Justice and equality isn't a pretense of itself.

Justice and equality is the spine to see the corrosive power of supremacy to sabotage and dismantle real peace; justice and equality is the spine to say real peace is a greatness worth striving for; justice and equality is the spine to do more than nothing.


Whether we face slick brittle veneers that are manifestly unconvincing or exceptionally convincing, supremacists are with us and our own.

Thus not dialoging with supremacists at all cannot be the greatness towards which we strive for.

Though the well from which supremacy draws to desolate and deface every step towards justice and equality is steadfast, justice and equality is buoyed by that which is resolute and ceaseless:

faith in the possible.

For a greatness worth striving for isn't in our past, it's in the possible; whether or not the possible will be realized is wholly a matter of courage.

- M.


Militias, mothers, and movements are not the enemy. To wit, being for justice and equality is not being anti militias, mothers, and movements. Rather:

Activists for supremacy are activists for supremacy. 

Activists for supremacy who adopt the identityism of "identity politics" in order to advance that which are counterfeits of real efforts towards justice and equality are frauds.

Even when such identityism bullhorns its advocacy as fights for patriotism, freedom, and liberty. For without qualification there's nothing heroic about standing for unjust and unequal treatment of human beings based on their so-called "identity" on the basis of [fill in the blank: race, socioeconomic status, age, gender, national origin, religion, marital status, educational attainment, sexual orientation, etc.]. Much less because you are militias, mothers, and movements.

Notwithstanding, your patriotism, freedom, and liberty are not at the pleasure and mercy of you and your own. They're at the wherewithal of all of us to preserve that which is worth preserving.

Surely that's not supremacy? Or is that which is self-evident and endowed by our creator: injustice and inequality for all?

- M.